
Thursday, April 09, 2015


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Siger, Lampung, Indonesia
Monument "Siger" from Lampung

Lampung, which is known by the nickname "Banana City" is a province on Sumatra island that is located closest to the island of Java. Lampung is also the hometown of my best friend, M. Vino Metha and Octaria Handayani. So i thing this is a good idea to write something about my best friend's hometown.

Lampung is called the Banana City because of it's typical food, namely banana chips with various flavor combination. The most famous is the chocolate banana chips and salty banana chips. Banana chips from Lampung this feels different from other banana chips. What makes the difference ?? I do not know ... The only thing i know, it's delicious..

But in this article I did not discuss the issue of banana chips, because they feared this blog turned into a culinary blog, not a travel blog. Hehehe ... This time I tried to tell you a bit about the trip to Lampung in 2010. The trip was very interesting and can never be forgotten.
Octaria, Vino, Bestfriends, Lampung, Indonesia
My Bestfriends - Octa & Vino
In 2010, I had the opportunity to visit Lampung for the first time. At that time I went along with my campus friends. At that time we had just graduated and become Bachelor of Engineering, and the purpose of our trip to Lampung is to participate in the selection of work in PT. PLN (Persero) - The Government's Electrical Company. At the time, the selection process is carried out at the University of Lampung (UNILA). In Lampung we could stay at Octa's home. His house is in the "Metro" City, not far from the city of Bandar Lampung.

After the test, we plan to spend the next day by enjoying a marine tourism in Lampung. The choices are Mutun Beach and Tangkil Island. That place is a favorite marine tourism in Lampung. Not only a clean beach and white sandy, the vacation's cost to these place is also cheap. Especially for students who have recently graduated, "nice" and "cheap" are two words that are suitable with the contents of the wallet. LoL..Hehehe...

Mutun beach is about 45 minutes drive inland from Bandar Lampung, the capital province of Lampung . The road to the Mutun Beach is also pretty good. Mutun beach is the main access to the Tangkil Island, because theTangkil Island is located near the Mutun Beach. To get to theTangkil  Island is by using boat from Mutun Beach for approximately 20 minutes. Entrance to the Mutun Beach is between Rp.5000 - Rp.10000 (USD 0,5 - USD 1) adjusted for peak season or not.

Mutun beach is a beach with white sand and crystal clear water. The beach is also very clean. Along the coast provided huts that can be used by tourists to relax. Waves on the beach mutun also very quiet. Perhaps because it was in the bay area, thus making the waves of Lampung Sea can be muted and be quieter. This makes Mutun Coast safe to be enjoyed by tourists, swimming or just throw themselves and relax at this beautiful beach.

Madness, Mutun Beach, Lampung, Indonesia
Our Madness at Mutun Beach
On the beach we spent very little time to prepare supplies, lunch, take pictures, and a walk on the beach. We deliberately did not linger on this Mutun Beach, because our main target is Tangkil Island.

Tangkil Island within not far from the Mutun Beach is a small island that is very green and lush. Surrounded by crystal clear sea water and white sand beaches. To reach the Tangkil Island from Mutun Beach, we rented a boat with paying Rp.15000 (USD 1,5) per person. Cheap enough to transport us all. Journey to cross to theTangkil Island is very pleasant. Along the way we were treated of drifting waves, clear sea water, the view of Tangkil Island and small fishes jumping over the sea, coupled with the cool sea breeze.

Tangkil Island, Lampung, INdonesia
Arrive at Tangkil Island
After docked to theTangkil Island, we've welcomed with clean white sand beaches and green trees around the area of the island. At the time, we visited the island Tangkil during weekdays, so the island is not too crowded. This makes the Tangkil Island as if a private island belongs to us.

On the Tangkil Island there are huts for tourists, Mushola (Little Mosque), food stalls and other facilities for tourists to enjoy Tangkil Island. In Tangkil Island, there are also so many water games such as Flying Fish, Banana Boat, Snorkeling, Parasailing, Glass Bottom Boat, Donut Boat, Canoe Fishing and others. Even here there are tires buoy that can be rented by tourists. All these facilities are available and can be used by tourists. Complete enough for the size of a small island like this Tangkil Island. But it is an added value of this place.

Swimming, Tangkil Island, Lampung, Indonesia
Swimming at Tangkil Island
We arrived at the Tangkil Island at noon, around 02:00 pm. On the island we did not waste the time. On this island we spend time with a walk along the beach, taking photos, swim and rent the tires buoy. The rental fee is Rp.3000 (USD 0,3). Also we use a break to eat snack at a beachside of this beautiful island.

The most exciting thing of course try Banana Boat. With Rp.20000 (USD 2) per person we've been able to enjoy the Banana Boat for 3 times round aka 3 times fall. Fairly cheap. Hehehe ... In this Tangkil Island we remove all tired and bored of the test. In this Tangkil island also all our silliness comes out. It was very a great time for us to be on a cheap holiday in a very beautiful and very nice palce, and also a very recommended place to revisit.
Banana Boat, Tangkil Island, Lampung, Indonesia
Try Banana Boat

Around 04:30 pm we finished our vacation in Mutun Beach and Tangkil Island, and we go home with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. If there is time, I have to go there again. Yes, to Lampung, Mutun Beach and it's Tangkil Island again. Hehe ....

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