
Wednesday, April 15, 2015


For Indonesian Translation "Click Here"

Maninjau, Lake, Danau, Padang, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia
Danau Maninjau
Maninjau Lake. A very beautiful and famous Lake of Padang, West Sumatra, which is the hometown of my best friend, Joni Efrianto. This lake is the 11th widest lake in Indonesia, and  the 2nd largest lake in West Sumatra after Batur Lake. The lake is located in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The position is about 140 km north of Padang city, 36 Km from Bukit Tinggi and 27 Km from Lubunk Basung.

Maninjau is the water source for the Batang Sri Antokan River. In the upstream of this river, which is located in one part of the shores of Maninjau Lake, there is a Maninjau Hydroelectric Power Plant which supplies electricity to West Sumatra and the surrounding region. Maninjau Lake is surrounded by green hills. One of the highest peak of the hill is known as Puncak Lawang, which became a favorite spot for tourists who want to enjoy the Maninjau Lake view. Here also, sometimes there is paragliding activities. There are so many tourists who participated in this paragliding just to enjoy the beauty of Lake Maninjau from the air.

Thursday, April 09, 2015


 For Indonesian Translations "Click Here"
Siger, Lampung, Indonesia
Monument "Siger" from Lampung

Lampung, which is known by the nickname "Banana City" is a province on Sumatra island that is located closest to the island of Java. Lampung is also the hometown of my best friend, M. Vino Metha and Octaria Handayani. So i thing this is a good idea to write something about my best friend's hometown.

Lampung is called the Banana City because of it's typical food, namely banana chips with various flavor combination. The most famous is the chocolate banana chips and salty banana chips. Banana chips from Lampung this feels different from other banana chips. What makes the difference ?? I do not know ... The only thing i know, it's delicious..