
Thursday, April 02, 2015


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Currently, interest of precious stone or gemstone is becoming a phenomenon in Indonesia. Since the last few months, precious stones have become a new trend that "poison" Indonesian people. Not only for the elderly, young people also like this new kind of hobby, which is actually a quite expensive hobby. Even rings with precious stones that were once only used by the elderly, are now widely found in the fingers of young people. Formerly, this ring is have the impression of "old" because motives and designs are unchanged from years ago. But now the impression of a "old" has disappeared and turned into the impression of "Funky" or "Slang".
Precious Stone, Martapura, Indonesia
Precious Stone
Interest in precious stones is not without reason. Beauty, prestige, high cost and the best quality of precious stones giving more value to the wearer. So don't be surprised if this hobby provides its own unique experience for the hobbyist. Indonesian native's Precious stones also has a very good quality, and recognized by the world. Recently, also have been found jade boulder weighing approximately 20 tons in Aceh. Because of this phenomenal discovery, the Local government must monitor and guard in the discovery area. This is intended to prevent unwanted crime on the giant stone as theft so forth.
South Kalimantan, Indonesia, Martapura
South Kalimantan (South Borneo)
Some time ago I was assigned to Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan to prepare for Hajj flights. In South Kalimantan, there is a city famous for its precious stone handicrafts, namely Martapura. Because hobby of precious stones is on the rise, then I feel it's appropriate to share the stories in this blog. One interesting thing about Martapura is the discovery of a diamond weighing 200 carats named "Putri Malu" or "A Shy Girl" in Pengaron mining sites in 2008. This diamond became the largest diamond ever found in Kalimantan and even in Indonesia. News of this discovery are also scattered throughout the world, and make Martapura known in the world.

Martapura is about 30 minutes drive from Syamsudin Noor Airport in Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan and through the Ahmad Yani street. If from Banjarmasin, the mileage to Martapura is about 45 km. Martapura land rich in precious stones, various colors and patterns. This precious stone become a major foreign exchange earner in Martapura city. Mining process of precious stones in Martapura still largely done traditionally, although there have been several miners who use modern systems. Mining results will then be processed into rings, bracelets, necklaces and various other types of jewelry.
Pasar Intan Martapura, Indonesia, South Kalimantan
Pasar Intan Martapura
Processed products that have become precious stones jewelry will then be sold to the buyer in the precious stones sale centers. In Martapura there are two famous sale centers of precious stones and be a tourist destination for the hobbyist of precious stones. That sale center are "Pasar Batu" and "Pasar Cahaya Bumi Selamat". In both markets, tourists will find the stores of precious stone with so many variation of price and jewelry. Both markets are not only selling the precious stones that have been processed into jewelry, but also sells raw precious stones or still shaped chunks of precious stones.

When assigned duty to Banjarbaru, I had the opportunity to go to "Pasar Cahaya Bumi Selamat", also known by the name "Pasar Intan Martapura" within 30 minutes drive from Syamsudin Noor Airport. Since the work finished at 4:00 pm, my office colleagues jointly be carried by the driver to the "Pasar Intan Martapura" at 4:30 pm. Actually the time is not an ideal time to visit the market. Because "Pasar Intan Martapura" closed at 5:00 pm. On arrival at the "Pasar Intan Martapura", we only found a few stores that are still open. More stores were closed and deserted from the buyer. In this market there are about 87 stores that are divided into four blocks. The parking lot can accommodate about 380 cars. However, if the parking lot is full, then the cars will be parked in the yard of Masjid al Karomah adjacent to the market. In rush hours ie 9:00am to 5:00pm, visitors of this market can reach 10,000 people. Even on holiday could reach 20,000 people. In this market transactions can be done in the shop, even up in the parking lot and also on the roadside.
Purple Amethys, Martapura, Indonesia
Purple Amethys Stone
In this market, I was taught by our driver about how to buy genuine precious stones with good quality and low price. In one of the shops in this market we hunt the precious stones. Because there are purple amethyst stones orders from the boss in Jakarta, then the stone becomes my target of the search at this store. Having browsed the amethyst than I bought two pieces of "amethyst purple stone". One for the boss in the office, one for the future father in-laws who is a collectors of precious stones. LoL.. Hahaha... I was taught by the driver that to know the stone with good quality is to illuminate the stone using a flashlight, if the ray penetrates the stone and the conditions in the stone is smooth and no fibers, then certainly the stone is in a good quality. Actually there are many ways to determine the quality of precious stones, but for a layman like me, it's enough to illuminate the stone. The price per amethyst that I bought is Rp.200,000 (or about USD 20 each), for the amethyst size of a coffee bean. The price is a reasonable price for such a small precious stone.

Blue Safir Ring
Blue Safir Ring
In this shop I was also offered by the seller of a stone called "Blue Sapphire", smaller than a coffee beans and have a "tail" at one of its parts. That "Blue sapphire" stone prices are Rp.7,5 Million (about USD 750). Quite surprised to hear the price for such a small stone. For me, that price is fantastic, but for the hobbyist of the precious stones, it could be the reasonable price, and may be a cheap price. Maybe if I've become an expert and a hobbyist of precious stones, I could make a bargain for the precious stones. But unfortunately I am not a hobbyist of precious stones. LOL...Hehehe ...

This store sold variety of precious stones such as amethyst, sapphire, topaz, opal, jade and other with price and best quality. Our driver also says that we went to the store that  sells the best precious stones at the lowest price. However, unfortunately I forgot the name of the store. Next times I will inform to all of you pals when i remembers the name of the store. But don't worry pals, because the price of precious stones that are sold in this market is still cheaper when compared to other areas in Kalimantan (Borneo), even in Indonesia. This is what makes a lot of tourists from outside the region, especially tourists from Jakarta come to Martapura to shop precious stones and sell them again at higher prices. This is has become one of the promising business with excellent prospects.

For you pals who has the hobby of collecting gems and have the opportunity to visit South Kalimantan, don't forget to visit Martapura to hunt the precious stones at the highest quality. Prepare your vacation plans and satisfy your hobby of precious stones in Martapura.

Happy Hunting ... !!!

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